You may or may not have heard of choline, but rest assured after you read this post you’ll know everything you need to know about this important nutrient. From preconception through adulthood, it plays an essential role in optimum health yet most people aren’t getting enough!
Disclosure: This post was sponsored by VitaCholine. As always, I only collaborate with companies who align with my mission and who support evidenced-based science.
What’s the deal with choline?
You might recall that back in 2016, when I was trying to get pregnant, I wrote a post about choline as an essential nutrient when you are trying to conceive.
Fast forward a few years (and one baby later!) and I wanted to share some exciting new developments on the choline front – and provide a little 101 for anyone that knows little-to-nothing about this nutrient.
And, don’t worry – if you have no idea what the heck choline is, I am here to help! Rest assured, you’re not the only one, and that’s coming from others who have a nutrition background. Indeed, nine out of ten Americans do not meet choline needs, making it even more critical for us to shine a spotlight on this under-the-radar – but incredibly important – essential nutrient.
Here’s the deal: choline is very similar in its functions to B vitamins. For example, it helps provide energy via its role in metabolism and is crucial in maternal and infant health, as well as a few other areas we’ll chat about below.
Despite the important role research continues to demonstrate regarding choline, the intake gap is staggering (you can read more about my take on this here in Shape). With such a significant number of individuals at a choline nutrient deficit – and only about 8 percent of pregnant women currently meeting intake needs for choline – it’s important to provide an education on why everyone needs this nutrient, where you can find it and what you need to know about supplementation.
Why is choline essential in the body?
Your liver is a vital organ in your body. In order to keep it running smoothly, choline is needed to help move fat out and convert food into energy.
With over 100 million individuals (many children mind you) in the US diagnosed with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease related to obesity and poor nutrition and lifestyle choices, it’s important to recognize that adequate choline intakes play a crucial role in keeping your liver (aka the body’s natural detox system) in tip top shape!
Don’t you want to remember just what you need to do tomorrow? Or, how about that awesome podcast you heard yesterday that inspired your next passion project? Recent studies continue to reinforce that choline is essential to help improve your memory and retain knowledge.
A new animal study published in Molecular Psychiatry found that choline may offer beneficial effects to reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease in mice. The cool thing? The benefits weren’t just seen in the mice receiving the choline supplementation, but in their offspring as well.
Physical activity
Your muscles require a signal from your brain to get moving! Choline helps send this signal while also providing you the energy you need to keep that bicep curl going strong.
Plus, choline also plays a role in optimizing nitric oxide (NO) in the body. NO has been shown to improve blood flow and increase the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, helping to improve endurance and fitness, long-term.
Heart Health
Homocysteine (aka, an amino acid in the blood) can increase your risk for heart disease. Choline helps to reduce your circulating levels of homocysteine and keep your heart healthy! You’ll see why below, but this is a gentle reminder not to toss that egg yolk, contrary to what you may have heard!
What makes it so important for maternal health?
Now that we’ve laid the framework, let’s remind you why choline is especially NECESSARY for maternal health (from conception to pregnancy and through the postpartum period.)
Reason #1:
It’s passed from mother to baby during pregnancy. Not only does it help to prevent neural tube defects, lower preeclampsia risk factor AND ease baby’s response to stress, but it also may improve your baby’s abilities to process and store information later in life.
Plus, choline gives the mamma-to-be more energy when paired with those B-vitamins!
Reason #2:
It helps build and boost baby’s brain. During infancy and early childhood development, it’s essential to help build the brain and its functioning.
Recent research has even shown that increased choline during pregnancy (930 mg/day to be exact) was correlated with improved processing speed in infants. In fact, the critical importance of choline in maternal and infant health (and the corresponding gap that exists among pregnant women) prompted the American Medical Association (AMA) to support evidence-based amounts of choline in all prenatal vitamins (currently most prenatal vitamins fall short in providing the 450 mg of choline a pregnant woman needs each day). Additionally, the American Academy of Pediatrics recently issued a policy statement calling out choline as one of several key ‘brain-building’ nutrients.
Alright, enough on the WHY’s, now let’s talk about those sources and amounts.
What food sources contain choline?
Choline is unfortunately one of those nutrients that isn’t found in your typical American diet. And, the best sources are in foods that tend to be unpopular, such as liver, lima beans and egg yolks.
It takes some effort to meet your daily reference intake (DRI) of 550 mg for adult males and 425 mg for adult females. Plus, needs increase during pregnancy and lactation to 450 mg/day for adult females.
If you’re curious how to meet your daily choline needs through diet alone, checkout my latest post here.
When should you consider a supplement?
It is nearly impossible to meet your needs every day through food alone, no matter what dietary pattern you follow. That’s where having a safety net, or trusted supplement, comes into play.
As I shared earlier, many prenatal vitamins fall short of meeting recommendations, and the same is true of multi-vitamins as well. While we’re still waiting for many companies to revise their formulations, I recommend to anyone trying to conceive, as well as those who are pregnant or postpartum, to include an additional supplement in their daily diets.
And if you don’t fall into one of these categories, you should still consider choline supplementation. It’s important at all ages and stages of life! Look for a brand of choline that will help meet your recommended intake amounts.
Phew! That was a lot of information, but I promise it’s all necessary and there truly is so much more we’re constantly learning about the important role choline plays in our health.
Claire | The Simple, Sweet Life says
What an interesting read! I’d never heard of choline before so I’m glad your sharing all your wonderful knowledge about it.
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you so much Claire!
Cathleen @ A Taste of Madness says
Hahha. I didn’t know what it was, so thank you for explaining!!
Actually, egg yolks are the part of the egg that I CAN eat, so I am glad 🙂
Elizabeth Shaw says
Yay! So glad you can eat them and get the choline in your diet!
Eden says
Wow, thank you for writing about this! I actually never hear a lot of choline so this was all very informative.
Elizabeth Shaw says
I’m so glad this was helpful!
Sara says
Such a great post! So much evidence bay supports the benefit of choline during pregnancy. Will definitely be sharing this information with clients!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you so much Sara! Isn’t it great how much the research keeps evolving!
Tammy says
This was such an interesting read! I never knew about this…thank you for sharing this info with us! I haven’t been eating eggs lately but I’m going to work them back into my diet.
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thanks for reading Tammy! Yes, eggs are so easy to sneak in and get some much needed choline back in the diet! Enjoy!
Deseree says
Thanks for sharing this very important nutritional information. This is something I was completely clueless about until today.
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you so much for reading Deseree! I am so grateful you now are in the know about choline too!
Sarah Koszyk says
Choline is finally getting recognition on its importance and value. So interesting to learn about choline and its importance during fertility. Definitely very important to include good sources of choline in one’s diet. Thanks for sharing!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you so much for reading Sarah!
Wendy Jo Peterson says
Such great reminders as to why I need to up my own. I was worried while pregnant, but let it go after! Back to choline I go!
Elizabeth Shaw says
So glad this hit home with you too!
Kelly Anthony says
What a great read. After reading this I realized that I am definitely short in getting my daily choline. I think I will add eggs as my afternoon snack!
Elizabeth Shaw says
I’m so glad it resonated with you! Thanks for reading!
Sally @ Real Mom Nutrition says
Great and important info. I’m always telling people, “Don’t throw the yolks down the drain!” because there’s so much good stuff in there. I hope egg white omelettes will become a thing of the past!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Amen Sally!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Glad to help add to your vocab my favorite Oprah star!
Meme says
Eggs are my all time fave way to get in choline! and salmon 🙂
Elizabeth Shaw says
You rock 🙂
EA Stewart says
Great post Liz! I knew eggs are a good source of choline, and that it’s important for brain health, but had no idea about al the other health benefits, including it’s importance when trying to conceive. So glad you shared, and now I’m off to eat some eggs for breakfast-yum!!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Glad to help spread the love— Hope your eggs were delicious!
Kristen Smith says
Great post Liz! Love all the ideas of how to incorporate more choline!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thanks Kristen!
Lauren Harris-Pincus says
Wonderful article for education and super tasty recipe suggestions! I’ve added many more recipes with whole eggs instead of my typical whites, especially for the choline. Thanks for the info!
Elizabeth Shaw says
Me too! It’s amazing how stellar that yolk is!