If you’re searching for where to start as you write your memories of your loved one down, this is the post for you. Not only will I provide tips for those who need a little help getting the words out, but I’ve also included an Example of a Eulogy for you to see as well.

What is in a eulogy?
First off, I want to start by saying I am so sorry you have to read this post in the first place. But, if you were like me as I tried to gather my thoughts I went searching for a little guidance.
Hopefully this post helps provide that for you and reminds you just how to honor that special someone.
Eulogy etiquette as I’ve come to call it is essentially all the components to consider as you put the words in your mind to paper, ensuring your loved one is honored in the special way you desire them to be.
As I prepared to honor my late grandmother, I searched the internet to see if there was a specific “eulogy etiquette” I should follow when preparing my speech and then decided hell, no one online knows her like I do, this has got to come from the heart
Suffice it to say, after a few minutes I took to the old paper and pen and began writing down the memories that came to mind; those things that I never wanted to forget and that one day I too will share with my kids from her.
I learned through this process that there is no right or wrong way to remember a loved one.
Some may choose to speak, some may choose to sit and listen, and some may cry tears of joy and pain mixed together.
At the end of the day, it’s important to honor your loved one in the fashion that speaks closest to you, your relationship, and your heart.
If you’re feeling lost, trust me I get it. I’m including an example of a eulogy below to help you gather your own thoughts hopefully too.
Tips to Remember for Eulogies:
Like I said, there’s no right or wrong way to write a eulogy. But, after speaking with numerous people who’ve had to write one as well, these are the four main tips we all decided on:
♥ Be honest.
♥ Be respectful.
♥ Be grateful.
♥ Be you!
What is the best way to write a eulogy?
Honestly, there is no specific formula here.
To show you how I choose to honor my grandmother, here is an example of a eulogy I wrote to honor my Grandma’s life.
An Eulogy Example
Good morning. Thank you all so much for coming today to celebrate the life of the wonderful Denise Barbarino, or, as I know her, Little Grandma.
As a kid my sisters and I gave the name “little” and “big” to our grandmas, which, in hindsight, was likely due to the distance they lived from us. Grandma Denise was just a short drive away.
Needless to say, that short drive and her eagerness to be present in our lives soon found her as my number one cheerleader. Sure, my mom and dad were there, but they also yelled.
Grandma was that safe zone, the one who waved her pompoms even when I missed the free throw, refused to eat the pizza or moved half way across the country to pursue nutrition.
It’s impossible to put into words what my Grandma meant to me. She was the best testament to what living a life full of love, grace and kindness truly means, and each and every day I strive to be half the woman she was.
I could go on for hours about the memories I have with Grandma.
The weekends she’d spend at our house when my mom and dad went away. The countless times she’d send me back upstairs to put socks on my feet. The hours we spent watching the Sandlot (or Speed), cuddled up with “goodies” we found in her secret snack drawer; and the infamous money egg she’d hide for us grandkids to find every Easter.
These as well as countless other memories I will forever treasure.
Grandma’s zest for life, her unconditional love and her kind spirit is what made her my hero. I refuse to live life in a bubble because each and every day she taught me that life is a gift. She warned me that life moves too fast, to stop and enjoy the little moments more often. I promise Grandma, for you, I’m trying.
I must have written four drafts of this, unsure of what would represent Grandma the best. Then it hit me, Grandma is not the one I need to write this to. She and I have spoken on numerous occasions about how much she means to me.
We’ve exchanged countless letters and spent the most pleasant of Sundays chatting. The special bond we have is something that will never be broken. I smile knowing she is looking down right now, enjoying her ice cream cone with that twinkle in her eye, nodding her head, assuring me that she’ll always be by my side.
So if this isn’t to Grandma, then who is this for?
Her other half, Grandpa.

Grandpa, you are the living testament to the beauty Grandma was. She radiates within you. Grandma always made sure before she ended any call to say, “Give that man of yours Liz a big hug and kiss for me, okay? Remember, we picked the good ones”.
We’d laugh, hang up the call and then immediately, I’d find my husband and give him a big kiss from her. Wayne would smile, knowing what a wonderful gift we’d been blessed with in having such a strong, compassionate couple as role models in our married life.
Grandpa, I wish I could take away the pain you feel from losing the Champagne Lady by your side.
I know words can’t heal your wounds but I want you to know I promise you every day you will witness living examples of endless love in your life, made present only because of the tremendous model you and Grandma set for us.
As we lay her down to rest Grandpa, I want you to know this is merely a see you later. I don’t believe in saying goodbye to her, for I know we will see her, feel her and hold her close in our hearts. Each time we see a 31 Flavors, lick an Ice Cream Cone, or simply hear someone say, “how’s the weather over there”, a smile will fill our face.
Grandpa, Little Grandma was a legend in all of our eyes, and as the Sandlot saying goes, “Legends never die”.
Sweet dreams Grandma, see you later.
What resources are available for dealing with grief?
As you celebrate the life of your loved one, it’s natural to feel a sea of mixed emotions. I recommend speaking with a grief counselor or therapist to help you through this time.
Local church groups also often have support meetings in which you may be able to find that one person who gets what you are going through if you are feeling alone.
Thinking of you during this time. If you found this Example of a Eulogy helpful, please feel free to share: Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest.
Emma says
I have to help write the eulogy for my Grandma – when I read this it hit me hard as mine were Big Grandma and Little Grandma too – based on having a big house and dog /a small house and dog! My own children also call them that even though neither have had pets in their lifetime and Big Grandma then lived in a bungalow!
Tha ks for the guidance
Elizabeth Shaw says
I am so glad this was helpful. Wishing you lots of healing and fond memories in this time.
Ida says
My grandma passed away a week ago. I was asked to do her eulogy since I’m the eldest grandchild. I am not good at words and I am thankful that you found them for me. Yours and mine had similarities and it made smile thinking that could become good friends in heaven. This made me wrote my eulogy easier. Thanks again.
Elizabeth Shaw says
I am so sorry for your loss, sending you so much healing during this time. I love your sentiment, they surely are friends up in heaven. Best wishes as you celebrate and honor your grandma.
Amber @ Homemade Nutrition says
Liz this eulogy is beautiful! I can tell that you have some amazing grandparents! I’m so sorry for your loss.
Elizabeth Shaw says
Amber you are the sweetest. Thank you so much for your prayers 🙂
Dietitian Jess says
This is so beautiful LIz- the wonderful person your grandma was definitely shines through <3 I gave the eulogy for my dad's funeral last year and I know speaking about him really helped me so I hope it did the same for you. Sending you lots of love and hugs <3
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thanks so much Jess! I really appreciate your comment and am sending your big hugs too!
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious says
Such a beautiful tribute to your grandma, Liz. The tear running down my cheek is one of boh sadness and joy. It’s never easy to lose a loved one, but the memories you carry on of your grandmother you will hold onto forever. And that’s something to be joyful about.
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you so much Jess. It is so nice to have a face now when I read your comments and feel your love! I appreciate the read and am sending you big hugs!
Kim says
What a beautiful speech. Thinking of you and your family Liz ❤️
Elizabeth Shaw says
Thank you Kim!
EA-The Spicy RD says
Absolutely beautiful tribute Liz! P.S. Writing this with misty eyes 🙂
Elizabeth Shaw says
You are the best- thanks EA for sharing in my Grandma’s spirit with me!