Bumps to Baby – The Roller Coaster of Infertility

Welcome Friends,
I’m so happy to have you hear on Bumps to Baby. My name is Liz and I’m a woman, wife and wanna be mama.
I have a great husband that I’ll refer to often here as “the hubs” (or Batman), depending on his mood!
Here’s the quick 4-1-1 on me:
I’m a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist in San Diego.
I run my own nutrition communications business from my home office.
I’ve been “infertile” & struggling with fertility for 3.5 years.
I’ve been through 1-IUI cycle with TI, 1-IVF Cycle and am awaiting the next steps.
I love rollercoasters, but did not expect to be on this one!
When things get rough, I turn to writing as my therapy.
And, lucky for you, that’s what inspired this Bumps to Baby website! I feel like there’s a million things I’ve tried to research during this trying time and have felt little security in knowing which websites are correct, medically sound and/or just get me!

What to Expect
I hope we can become friends and lean on each other during this crazy time. I don’t know about you, but I can’t tell you how nice it is to have a friend who’s going through the same journey to lean on right now. When I say I’m here for you, I really mean that.
I’ll share my thoughts, musings and all the bumps on this path to baby on this platform.
I plan to post a few times a week, including stories from IVF treatment, fertility factoids, and nutrition tips to help plan your menu.
Because I’m an RDN, I love to chat nutrition!
I’ll be sharing recipes from my other website, ShawSimpleSwaps.com, so we can focus on feeding our bodies nourishing, good for you food!

Feel free to connect, share with others you know who could use a laugh on their journey and most importantly, let me know how I can help you on this journey too.
Lots of hugs,